Halloween at Saint John the Divine

IMG_3962ed_600Halloween at Saint John the Divine: The full stretch of the nave was at the disposal of Ralph Lee and the Mettawee River Theater Company’s fantastic creatures of the night, and visitors were encouraged to brace themselves for increased ghostly mischief and ghoulish tricks. Many audience members found themselves directly confronted with the hooked, expressive nose of a demon, the mossy nails of a witch, or the bulging, flushed cheeks of a ghostly manchild. The ghosts and ghouls were accompanied by the Great Organ, played by Timothy Brumfield, and the screening of Nosferatu.

Information on the Halloween Extravaganza at Saint John the Divine here.
Video of the 2010 Procession of the Ghouls is available here.
Halloween photo album here.


Photo Credit: Sasha Arutyunova
