Casey Compton: Managing Director
Casey Compton is a founding member of Mettawee. In 1975 she joined forces with five fellow graduates of Bennington College to form this company in order to explore the potential of bringing theatre to the rural communities of upstate New York and New England. This rewarding process has continued for over forty-five years.
Casey’s work for the company has taken many forms: she has designed and built costumes for all Mettawee productions; she acted in Mettawee shows from 1975 – 85; since 1979 she has been Managing Director. These various roles have offered opportunities to delve into folk-tales, mythology and traditional stories from all over the world.
Since 1976 she has collaborated with Artistic Director Ralph Lee to transform this rich material into theatre. In addition, Casey has worked with Ralph to produce numerous parades and celebrations, from the first Greenwich Village Halloween Parade in 1974 to assorted extravaganzas all over New York City. They are the proud parents of Dorothy Lee, who grew up in a busy household of designers, performers and puppets actively engaged in the creative process.